sunnuntai 14. elokuuta 2011

New blog address

I forgot the most important thin, that is my new blog's address. You can find me now then at

Welcome and moving

I wish to welcome my newest followers, they all have really great blogs.

I also want to tell you all that I am moving my blog to my own hosted pages. There has been so many problems with posting and commenting on blogger, so as I got my own site (nothing there so far except the templates), I also added my blog there. All the posts and your lovely comments have already been moved there. I managed to get all the followers moved there also. Hopefully it will work now, so you do not need to do any changes yourself.
The only real problem so far I have there is that I do not know how I could get the list of blogs I am following there as it is here, but hopefully can figure it out (if possible) at some point. If any of you have any suggestions, they would be more than welcome.

keskiviikko 10. elokuuta 2011

Onnea Eveliina - Happy birthday Eveliina

Tänään nukkekotikerhomme syntymäpäiväsankarina on Eveliina. Lähetin hänelle lahjaksi kuvassa näkyvät minit. Taulu on äitini tekemiä, muut omia tekeleitäni.

Today's birthday girl is Eveliina. You can see in the photo the stuff I sent her. The painting is made by my mother, the others are mine.

maanantai 1. elokuuta 2011

Onnea Maritalle - Happy Birthday Marita

Tänään nukkekotikerhomme syntymäpäiväsankarina on Marita. Lähetin hänelle lahjaksi kuvassa näkyvät minit. Taulu ja kortti ovat äitini tekemiä, muut omia tekeleitäni. Toivottavasti ehtivät ajoissa perille.
Today's birthday girl is Marita. You can see in the photo the stuff I sent her. The painting and card are made by my mother, the others are mine. I hope they arrived in time.